Poodles red color were first obtained in America, where it is widely
practiced mixed farming of colors. There is a point of view that such a
color poodles could appear due to the introductory crossing with English
коккерами or Irish setters. But there is the possible emergence
mutations that led to the emergence of this form of pheomelanin.
The first red dog brought to Russia were heterozygous on apricot
color. Their coupling to apricot dogs necessarily lead to the splitting
of the red colour on and apricot. Later knitted heterozygous red poodles
with each other, as expected, led to the emergence of homozygous for
this show dogs. Began to appear and dogs well kept, and the color with
age. And it was at this time FCI struck the final blow to the red color.
actually banning it.
For poodles red color characteristic continuous distribution of
pigments in the hair caused by the presence of A allele-. At the same
time, many apricot dogs have zonary distribution of pigments, which
causes some irregularity and lightening the color. Interbreeding red
poodles with apricot led to the increase of the frequency of the allele
in the population and contributed to the fact that apricot color became
more vivid. Combination of red pigment with zonarny distribution of
pigments leads to the formation of color. that is called ed-apricot (
When breeding poodles red-apricot gamma need to be less confused to
save these two varieties as clean as possible. Such breeding leads to
the appearance in litters of homozygous dogs and red dog, without age
plumage color. The existing situation, when all red dogs considered
apricot can lead to its complete loss. Fortunately enthusiasts of this
color there are hope that he ever again will exist as an independent
still preserved.